Aujourd'hui : de 16:00 à 22:00Aujourd'hui:    Fermé, mais ouverts à nouveau demain à 16:00



Michiganstraat 2
2030 Antwerp (Belgium)
BE 0546 811 269

Tel.: +32 (0)87 31 32 33
WhatsApp: +32 (0)477 31 32 33


Despite careful creation of the website, the client cannot guarantee the correctness of all contents and documents on this website. For this reason, the client disclaims any liability regarding the site and its contents. The data presented on the site is for the user’s initial information only. The client cannot be held responsible for missing, inaccurate, or erroneous information. The companies Pixelbar and Pavonet disclaim all liability for direct and indirect damages caused by the use of this site (loss of income, loss of customers, etc.). Despite careful control, the client disclaims any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of these sites are solely responsible for the content of these pages. The external content was checked at the time of linking. It cannot be excluded that this content has been subsequently modified by their respective providers. Moreover, the companies Pixelbar and Pavonet are not responsible for the articles, photos, texts, and documents entered by the client. The client is solely responsible for the content.


The layout and design of the offer and its specific elements such as logos, photos, etc. are protected by copyright. The same applies to editorial content in detail as well as their selection and assembly; changes cannot be made. Public use of the offer is only permitted with the authorization of the responsible publisher of the site.


The protection of your data during their collection, processing, and use during your visit to our site is very important to us. Your data is protected according to the legal provisions in force. Below, you will find information indicating what information is collected during your visit to this site and how it is used. Every access to our homepage and every access to a file made available on our homepage is recorded. The registration is for internal system-related and statistical purposes. The following are recorded: Name of the accessed file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, notification of successful transfer, browser and requesting domain.

In addition, the IP addresses of the requesting computers are also recorded.

Other personal data is only collected if you provide it voluntarily, for example in the context of an inquiry or registration.


If you have transmitted personal data to us, we will only use it to respond to your questions, to execute and bill the contracts concluded with you, and for technical management. Your personal data is not transmitted to third parties or otherwise communicated unless this is necessary in the context of contract management – particularly the communication of order data to our suppliers – if it is necessary for billing purposes, or if you have previously agreed to it. You have the right to revoke any consent you have given at any time, with effect for the future. The deletion of stored personal data occurs if you cancel your consent to storage, if it is no longer necessary for the purpose pursued with the storage, or if its storage is prohibited for other legal reasons.


Upon written request, we will be happy to inform you about the personal data stored concerning you.


We are vigilant about the security of your data and deploy all possible technical and organizational resources to store your data in a way that protects it against access by third parties. We cannot guarantee the complete security of your data during communications by email, which is why we recommend postal communication for confidential information.


Links to this website are welcome.


This site is governed by Belgian law.